Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items
  • € 5.50 IN STOCK

    19 Review(s)

    Cri Cri classic chocolate candy from Turin for sale on Shop Baldaiassa The Cri Cri is a praline with toasted hazelnut covered with dark chocolate, in turn coated with decorative sugar tiny balls. Typical of Turin the cri cri has been packaged like a candy in its colorful paper since the mid 19th century. For sale on Shop Baldaiassa in sachet of 150 g.

    € 5.50
  • € 14.50 IN STOCK

    11 Review(s)

    Cri Cri classic Piedmontese praline for sale on Shop Baldaiassa The Cri Cri is a Piedmontese praline with toasted hazelnut covered with dark chocolate, coated with decorative sugar tiny balls. Typical chocolate candy of Turin, the praline cri cri has been packaged in colorful paper since the mid 19th century. For sale on Shop Baldaiassa in sachet of 500 g.

    € 14.50
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items